During the last May 14th and 15th has been celebrated in Brescia, Italy,  the meeting of the LIFE Platform “REPower EU plan: focus on heating and cooling” into the framework of the European Union Plan to improve the energy independence of the EU, REPower EU.



Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León, cooordinator of the  LIFE CO2IntBio project, has participated in the meeting of the LIFE Platform  and has also taken part in the working gropup of ha asistido a la reunión de la Plataforma LIFE y ha participado en el grupo de trabajo de “Decarbonisation of heating in industrial applications”.

The LIFE CO2IntBio project is an example of the utilisation of renewabel energies in industrial processes, contributing to decarbonisation of commercial CO2 production sector. In this project, has been developed the implementation of a CO2 capture and purification plant (Carburos Metálicos) by capturing biomass combustion gases from a biomass power plant (Bioeléctrica de Garray). The process it is completed with the direct supply of renewable energy, both electrical energy and steam as heat that comes from the biomass power plant to the CO2 capture and purification plant. This completes an innovative industrial symbiosis model.

The REpower EU Plan of the European Commission has the objective of saving energy, produce clean energy and diversify energy supplies of the European Union. Since the Plan launch in May 2022, different actions have been carried out to guarantee the energy supply in the EU. 

The Plan it is supported by legal and financial measures to help the transition to the independence from fossil fuels and, in this context, has been celebrated the Platform meeting, that has brought together projects financed by the Programms LIFE, Horizon Europe and Innovation Fund.

This way, it has been possible to share the experience of the implementation of pilot projects and innovative solutions in decarbonisation and renewable energy, that help to  strengthen and boost european politics in Energy and Climate Change.