The international certification FSSC 22000 guarantees the high quality of the CO2 produced in Garray for its use in agri-food sector.

CO2 verde producido en la planta de Carburos Metálicos de Garray

With the aim of guaranteeing food safety and security, Carburos Metálicos has implemented a strict internal and external audited management system, so that food-grade gases achieve and often exceed the national requirements in terms of quality, hygiene, traceability and specifications.

All ofcarbon dioxide production plants of Carburos Metálicos are FSSC 22000 certified, including the new Garray plant since July 2023. This is a certification scheme for food safety management systems based on existing ISO 22000 standars.

The FSSC 22000 scheme is approved by the Global Initiative for Food Safety. The organisations  that obtain the certificate according to FSSC, appear in the Register of Certified Organisations of FSSC: